Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Hello all! Five years after I started this project, I finally decided to work on it again. This time around I have decided to do the glossary first. Hopefully this comes in handy, as I know there were words I had issues with when I first started out because I didn't realize they were supposed to be martial arts styles and such. Hopefully I'll now use more consistent spelling/translations based on these words. The next post will be the list of names. Then I will re-post the main translation using larger chunks in a more cohesive unit.


Acceleration (Tahitéi) Ancestral practice of the Tahedo masters, which augments for a period of time the speed and agility of their movements, and to a certain extent their strength as well. It consists of a secret formula, made up of a series of letters and numbers, which when subvocalized causes an instant bodily reaction. The counterpart is that accelerations quickly consume the body's energies, so that afterwards you have to regain strength by ingesting food and drink in large quantities and with adequate rest. There are two known accelerations. The first is Protahitéi, which is taught beginning in the fifth rank, and improves physical performance by fifty percent. Mirtahitéi, the second acceleration, doubles the speed of a normal organism. A master in Mirtahitéi can cross a ten-meter river with one jump. It requires a longer recovery, and therefore it is not usually used except in case of necessity, and rarely for more than five minutes. A third acceleration is said to exist, and this is known only to the Magister of Uhdanfiún and some other privileged Tahedoráns, such as the great Kratos May.
Aifolu or Australes Town located in the southern part of Tramórea. Centuries ago they invaded it, coming from the unknown continent that extends south of Pashkri, on the other side of the sea.
Áinar Country situated to the northwest of Tramórea. In times past it was an empire that dominated almost all civilized regions of the continent. In the epoch in which the novel occurs, its monarch is still called emperor, and the sovereigns of other kingdoms owe him fealty, although this authority is purely nominal. The capital of Áinar is Koras.
Ainari Natives of Áinar.
Alit Inner citadel of Koras, the capital of Áinar.
Anfiún God of war, patron of Áinar.
Anfiundanil Month of Anfiún, antepenultimate of the year. It would coincide more or less with September.
As Copper coin. It is the least valuable.
Atagaira Mountainous kingdom inhabited by a race of female warriors.
Âttim Capital of the kingdom of Pashkri. City famous for its riches.
Australes See Aifolu.
Banta Village situated on the southern edge of the forest of Corocín.
Bardaliut City where the gods dwell. According to myths, its foundations are supported by the air and it floats high above the Halpiam massif, or perhaps over the Ancient Lands.
Barrier Islands Archipelago that separates the Sea of Ritión from the Sea of Ignoto.
Belistar North Wind.
Belt of Zenort Luminous band that appears in the night sky following the same trajectory that the Sun travels during the day. It is mainly made up of whitish dust, although there are also larger lights that on very clear nights are distinguished as gigantic rocks of irregular shapes.
Bildanil Penultimate month of the year. It coincides more or less with October.
Brauna Sword forged by Amintas in the year 735 with the iron of an asteroid. Owned by the Barok family, and later by Derguín Gorión.
Corocín One of the largest forests in Tramórea, located between Áinar, Ritión and the lands of Málart. It is named for the coruecos that still roam in its thickets. It is here where Linar lives.
Corueco Anthropomorphic beast, with long arms, skin covered in scales and metallic bones that are sometimes used as weapons. The corueco is omnivorous, although it prefers meat, especially human. An adult corueco usually exceeds two meters in height and three hundred and fifty kilos in weight.
Équitros Barbarian people who live to the north of Tramórea, in the Land of Ámbar.
Feryí District of Koras in which the entire foreign population of the city is grouped.
Fiohiortói See Inhumans.
Gaudaba The chiefs of the rebel bands receive this name, in particular those that dominate the territory of the Kremnas.
Gharrium Region of Áinar, west of Koras.
Gray King Sorcerer who has ruled the Inhumans or Fiohiortói for centuries.
Hasha Final part of the sword's edge.
Himíe Goddess, sister and wife of Manígulat.
Hindewom God of wisdom. The great Library of Koras is dedicated to him.
Ib Honorific that comes before the name of an Ibtahán.
Ibtahán Junior master of Tahedo, between the fourth and sixth rank, authorized to train disciples of lower ranks. The abbreviated title for an Ibtahán is ib. Starting in the fifth rank, the secret of Protahitéi, the first acceleration, is revealed to the Ibtaháns. The marks that appear on the Ibtahán's bracelet are of the color blue.
Imbrial Gold coin minted in Áinar, but accepted throughout Tramórea.
Inhumans or Fiohiortói Enemy species of the humans, originating from the island of Fiohiort. In the 7th century they invaded and conquered all of Western Tramórea. They were defeated by Minos Iyar, the greatest emperor of Áinar. In the epoch of the novel, they occupy as much as the island of Fiohiort and the peninsula of Iyam, to the shores of the sea of Kéraunos.
Inimya Series established from interconnected techniques and movements, with which the Tahedo practitioner faces an imaginary enemy. They are grouped by increasing difficulty and their proficiency is required to obtain the various mastery ranks.
Isinimya Series or Inimya that must be mastered to reach the eighth mark of mastery in Tahedo.
Istegané Sword of Mikhon Tiq.
Jauka Set of seven objects or people. The term has magical connotations, as it reflects the cycles of the moons and also the number of the elements of the world: water, air, earth, wood, metal, fire, and plasma.
Jipurna Warrior dance, of Ainari origin, consisting of mock combat. Tahedo masters usually dance it at parties.
Kalagorinor, plural Kalagorinôr, Member of an ancient order of magicians who serve the Kalagor, the Beautiful Light.
Kamaldanil Last month of the year. It would coincide more or less with November.
Kartine Goddess of destiny. She does not belong to the Yúgaroi family.
Kisha Tip of the sword.
Koras Capital of Áinar, located at the crossroads of the Eidos river and Beliar, one of its tributaries. According to the last imperial census, it has two hundred thirty thousand inhabitants. In the suburb of Eidostar, on the other side of the walls and river, it is estimated that another one hundred or one hundred fifty thousand inhabitants are crowded, although there is no reliable oversight of them.
Koratán Citizen/Native of Koras.
Krima Sword of Kratos May, forged by the swordsmith Beorig in the year 923.
Kurhones Barbarian highlanders who live in the central part of the Sierra Virgen.
Luznago Flying insect of great size that emits powerful light. They are of various colors, although the green ones are the most numerous.
Malabashi Country situated in the central part of Tramórea.
Malirie Ritionan city, situated in the most beautiful of the Barrier Islands.
Manígulat God of sky and storm, sovereign of the Yúgaroi. Brother and husband of Himíe.
Midrangor Sword of Togul Barok, forged by Jalkeos in the year 999.
Mígranz Fortress situated to the northeast of Áinar, the seat of the Red Horde.
Mirtahitéi Second acceleration.
Nahúpirgos The Tower of the Numerists, strange building situated in Alit, the citadel of Koras.
Narak Island city of Ritión. It is the main maritime power of Tramórea and the most influential city in the Anfictionía of Ritión.
Niryiin Undines, nymphs of the waters.
Numerists Philosophical order obsessed with finding a total correlation between the arithmetic, the natural, and the moralistic. Leaving aside certain mystical abuses, the Numerists are responsible for great advances in calculus and geometry, as well as in the logic and theory of numbers. Over the years, they have developed procedures and tricks that amplify the power of their minds, by a manner in which they can carry out very complex mental calculations and learn by memory almost unlimited volumes of data. Their hierarchy is very strict and is governed by the number Seven (the magic of magics) and by the principle of the square. Thus, the head of the order is the First Professor; immediately below are the Second Professors, who are two; the third rank is made up of four teachers; next come eight, sixteen, thirty-two and, finally, the sixty-four of the last echelon, with the title of Seventh Teachers (although in reality they play more of a role of an apprentice than a true teacher). The order is thus made up of 167 members: there can never be more, nor less.
Pashkri The southernmost kingdom of Tramórea.
Pinakles Priests who, upon the death of the Zemalnit, are in charge of guarding the Sword of Fire. It is they who communicate where the sword can be found to the aspirants wishing to conquer it.
Prates An immense chasm that opens under the roots of the world, as deep as the heavens of the gods is high. Hell.
Protahitéi First acceleration (see Acceleration).
Radial Coin of silver.
Red Horde Army of mercenaries that constitutes an independent state, founded by Hairón. Its seat is in the fortress of Mígranz.
Rimom The blue moon. Its cycle is fourteen days. It is is also the god of the night, son of Manígulat and Himíe, and husband of Pothine, the goddess of love.
Ritión Confederation of cities and islands around the Sea of Ritión. They are governed by the Council of the Anfictionía. The term is also used for the inhabitants of Ritión.
Shirta The green moon. Its cycle is seven days, the shortest of the three moons. She is also a goddess, daughter of Himdewom and Eleris.
Silk Road Route that runs thousands of kilometers from Âttim, the capital of Pashkri, to Koras. It is the main commercial route of Tramórea.
Solima Plant that when cooked produces a juice with stimulant properties.
Syfrõn Mystical seat of the spirit of a Kalagorinor, which exists outside the dimensions of the normal world. For each Kalagorinor, the syfrõn takes a different form: a forest, a castle, a city...
Tah Honorific that comes before the name of a Tahedorán.
Tahedo The Art of the Sword.
Tahedorán Highest master of Tahedo, authorized to teach all types of disciples, provided they are of a lower rank. To become a Tahedorán one must obtain seven marks of mastery. There are two more ranks, the eighth and the ninth, and a tenth that is honorary and that only the Magister of Uhdanfiún possesses. The abbreviated honorific for a Tahedorán is tah. It is estimated that one in every five thousand students who begin to study the Art of the Sword are able to become Tahedoráns. All Tahedoráns must master the secrets of the seventy-seven techniques and the first ten series, up to Taniarimya. When someone becomes a Tahedorán, they are taught the secret of Mirtahitéi, the second acceleration. A Tahedorán is recognized by the red markings on his bracelet and by the saber tooth worn on his belt.
Tahitéi See Acceleration.
Taniar The red moon. Its cycle is twenty-eight days. It is also the name of a warrior goddess, the daughter of Manígulat and Himie.
Taniarimya Series or Inimya that must be mastered to reach the seventh mark of mastery and become a Tahedorán.
Tarimán God blacksmith, forger of the Sword of Fire.
Terón Winged creature, without plumage, also known as a "fireless dragon." Of great size, it can reach a wingspan of fifteen meters, and some say they have seen specimens of more than twenty. It has a very long beak, with teeth, and a large pointed crest on its head. Teróns nest in remote mountains. Their eggs are said to have curative and aphrodisiac properties, for which their nests are highly sought after by highlanders. This means that there are hardly any specimens left in Tramórea. In Áinar, only a few are found in the most remote peaks of the Sierra Virgen.
Tíshipan City located to the southwest of Áinar, on the shores of the Sea of Ritión.
Tramórea Continent in which the action of the Sword of Fire takes place.
Trápedsa The table around which the Kalagorinôr gather. By extension, the college formed by the six Kalagorinôr (seven with the absent Kalitres).
Trisios Village of nomadic horsemen who live in grasslands and steppes to the north of Tramórea.
Tubilok God, brother of Manígulat, who usurped the throne and spread a cloud of ashes over all the lands. He was defeated by Zenort the Liberator thanks to the Sword of Fire.
Uhdanfiún The oldest and most prestigious martial arts academy in Tramórea. It was founded by Áscalos more than five hundred years ago. Mainly Ainari study there, although students from other places are admitted as long as they swear obedience to the emperor of Áinar and serve for five years in his army.
Yagartéi Tahedo technique that consists of drawing the sword and simultaneously slashing from left to right, normally to decapitate the adversary. The starting position can be sitting on the floor, in a chair, or standing. Yagartéi is a martial art in itself.
Yúgar, plural Yúgaroi, Name given to the great gods.
Zemal The Sword of Fire, weapon forged by the god Tarimán.
Zemalnit Rightful owner of the Sword of Fire. The requirements to become Zemalnit are: to possess the rank of Tahedorán or grand master of the sword, and to beat the other candidates in the contest for Zemal. The Sword of Fire belongs to the Zemalnit while he lives. Upon his death, the Pinakles monks return it to a secret place and convene a new contest among the Tahedoráns from all Tramórea who wish to compete.
Zenordanil First month of the year. It would coincide more or less with December.

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