Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dreams of Steel - Part 2

I am really uncertain about my descriptions of Aperión.  Enjoy!


"Reserve that tone for one with whom you can defend yourself," he replied, gritting his teeth.

Hairón reached out a hand to calm his captains.  Aperión had only eight marks of mastery; but he had gained so much influence among the men of the Horde that Hairón had no choice but to name him his first officer.  Aperión was impetuous and tended to crush others like a charge from a horse, but under his howling and fits of rage crouched a soulless heart.  The others knew that he was the traditional man that if attacked by hand, would answer with a stone, if attacked with a stone, would draw a sword, and if drawn on by a sword, would use poison, fire, treason or whatever was necessary.  With such men one can only kill them, decapitate them, throw the body into a river and the head into a quagmire, and pray to the gods that they would not return from the underworld in search of vengeance.

The discussion among the officers dragged on like the buzzing of flies.  Finally, despite the objections from Kratos, they decided to send a thousand men to the endeavor.  When it came time to name the captains that would be in command, Hairón turned to his lieutenant.

"I see you're thirsty for action, Aperión.  Since you have defended this campaign with such interest, you should direct it."

Aperión looked at his boss with squinted eyes, which were cold and hard as glass beads, and stroked his beard.

"It is an honor that you entrust to me, tah Hairón."

"I trust you, tah Aperión."

"But I am always pained to be apart from your side.  Surely another captain, like Kratos..."

"I insist that it be entrusted to you.  I know you will behave to perfection and bring glory and gold for our common house."

Reluctantly, Aperión lowered his gaze.  Hairón, who was not accustomed to repeating orders, began to grow irritated that Aperión set to test his authority.  It was a good time to get away from Mígranz and make Kratos his right hand man.  When Aperión returned, he would have to accept the fact.  However dangerous he was, woe to him if he did not willingly obey the Zemalnit.

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